Car Washes - Water Recirculation and Filtration Services

Car Washes
Water Recirculation and Filtration

Water Recirculation and Filtration System

Compliance with Council of Ministers Resolution No. 26-A/2024



Ensure compliance with Portuguese legislation.

Save on consumption and contribute to a more sustainable environment with our water filtration services for car washes.

Good Environment


Water Recirculation and Filtration System.

 How does it work?

  1. Reception of Dirty Water

    The hydrocarbon separator receives the dirty water and performs a physical treatment of the contaminated water. The heavier elements (sand, mud, etc.) settle at the bottom, forming the sludge decanter. Lighter liquids (oil, fuels, etc.) rise to the surface and separate from the hydrocarbons.

    Car Washing

    Hydrocarbon Separator


  2. Water Processing and Treatment


    After the gravity separation mentioned in the previous point, the water is sent to an advanced technological system that will proceed to filter this contaminated water.

    This system will allow the water to be treated and purified enough for reuse. That is, the water will be in perfect condition for reuse.

    Water Purification System


  3. Reuse of Clean Water

    The water, after being cleaned, enters a recirculation process back to the reserve tank.

    Ready to be pumped for a new wash, promoting sustainable operation.


Results and Benefits

  • Compliance with current legislation. In this way, the washing unit can continue to operate without constraints, according to the legislation in force on this date.

  • Savings of more than 60% in water consumption.

  • Contribution to a better environment.

  • Reduction of operational costs for car wash companies. The reduction in water consumption has a direct impact on operational costs. Note that this consumption can, in some cases, reach about 80%.


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Do not wait any longer to make your car wash business more efficient and sustainable.

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