Energy Performance Certificate in Algarve

Energy Performance Certificate Algarve

What is the Energy Performance Certificate?

Definition of Energy Performance Certificate

The Energy Performance Certificate is a fundamental document in the real estate sector, especially for owners in the Algarve wishing to sell or let their properties. 

Rated on a scale from A+ (very efficient) to F (not efficient), this certificate is the official proof of a property's energy efficiency, issued by qualified experts recognized by the Energy Agency (ADENE).

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When the Energy Performance Certificate is required

This document becomes mandatory at the moment the owner decides to put their property on the market, whether for sale or let. 

The legislation applies to new buildings, buildings undergoing major renovations, and a wide range of commercial and residential properties, emphasizing its importance in real estate transactions.



What the Energy Performance Certificate contains

The certificate details not just the energy rating of the property but also its construction characteristics and expected energy consumption. 

Moreover, it identifies measures to improve energy efficiency and comfort, contributing to the reduction of energy consumption.


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What the Energy Performance Certificate is for

This document serves not only to comply with legal obligations but also to inform potential buyers or tenants about the property's energy efficiency. 

It's a valuable tool for promoting sustainability and residential comfort, influencing buying or letting decisions in the Algarve.


Obligations and penalties

The absence of an Energy Performance Certificate can result in significant penalties, ranging from fines for individuals between 250 to 3740 euros, and for legal entities, from 2500 to 44890 euros. 

The mandatory nature of this document highlights the importance of complying with energy efficiency standards and promoting sustainable properties.



How to request an Energy Performance Certificate

To obtain this certificate in the Algarve, it's essential to contact qualified and authorized experts. 

Contact us and hire our Full Service Solution, or simply provide us with the following documents:

  • copies of the plan, 

  • urban property book, 

  • registration certificate, and

  • housing technical file (when applicable). 

Quick and efficient

Request your Energy Performance Certificate